Saturday, August 13, 2011


dowse -- to search for underground supplies of water, metal, etc., by the use of a divining rod.

Katie the Adventurer

Katie saying something insightful as Kim searches for fresh water.

The divining rods.

Kim simply enjoying an afternoon dowse

Katie doing the very same thing. Just dowsing. nbd.

Adah learning dowsing young. <3


Getting down to business
A beautiful afternoon to dowse.
Country Dowsers.

Sometimes you just have to get down and dirty to dowse

"Point to the camera, dowsing rods."

An intense dowse.
"Point to my BFF."

This was actually an accident whilst loading film. But she is really cute.

Taking a break from dowsing to embrace the jedi inside.
How Indiana Jones would look if he went dowsing.


Thank you to Katie and Kim for introducing me to the folk magic of dowsing. <3
Next post for 100,000 Words will probably have to wait until I'm back from my trip.
Later, friends!
